Fix Wi-Fi Connected but NO Internet on Samsung

wifi not connecting on Samsung S10

Facing Wi-Fi Authentication Error on Galaxy S10? Expensive smartphones like Samsung S10 should work without any snag, however, that’s just a dream for Samsung users. Follow along the troubleshoot, and get Samsung S10 won’t connect to Wi-Fi fixed with potential solutions. Samsung S10 isn’t the only device with Wi-Fi issues, the past flagship phones have already dealt with Wi-Fi not working on Samsung issues and fixed it, as it is just a normal software glitch.

Whether the problem is Wi-Fi won’t connect to Galaxy S10, or Samsung S10 showing Authentication Error or Galaxy S10 Failed to Obtain IP Address, this article is for you. Alongside, these tricks can also be useful when Galaxy S10 won’t connect to Wi-Fi after the update.

Fix Authentication Error on Galaxy S10 Wi-Fi

Quick Look

Before trying further tricks, take a quick look at,

  • Keep your device within the Wi-Fi range and then try to connect it.
  • Forget Wi-Fi Network and re-enter a password to connect it.
  • Refresh the system network, by enabling/disabling Airplane Mode.
  • Restart the phone.
  • Disable Wi-Fi Power Saving Mode, Settings > Connections > Wi-Fi > More menu > Advanced > Turn off Wi-Fi power-saving mode.

Try connecting to other Wi-Fi

We guess your Samsung Galaxy S10 is having difficulty connecting to your personal Wi-Fi network. If you want to check that problem is in your personal wifi network or smartphone you need to make an attempt of connecting to another wifi network. If Samsung S10 connecting to Wi-Fi but no internet connection then there is an issue in your personal wifi network, which means you need to fix your personal wifi network. Contrarily, If your Samsung S10 not connecting to wifi network then there might be a problem with your device. This may produce due to software and hardware defect.

Restart Wi-Fi Router

By unplugging any electronic devices may solve any problem, just like an electronic device unplugged router from the main source partially for 30-40 seconds before plugging it to the main source. It may fix Galaxy S10 failed to obtain a Wi-Fi address.

Update Router Firmware

If you want to remove bugs or need to run the firmware accurately some routers should be updated frequently. Confirm that your own router is working on current feasible firmware. To verify you can call for the customer support of the respective router brand.

Reset Router

The most efficient way to remove bugs is the factory reset it can be performed only when you have full authority on the router. Before performing a factory reset, if the router is provided by the service provider or by ISP, contact them first. The router which is provided by ISP might not work after a factory reset. You have to assure that they will work with you throughout the whole process.

Forget and reconnect to Wi-Fi

Forget wifi network from the device may work often. Only assure that you perform it after the router has been contour. If Samsung Galaxy S10, S10 Plus, and S10e Won`t Connect to Other Wifi

If your Samsung Galaxy S10, S10 Plus, and S10e won`t link to any wifi network, theirs is a possibility that its ability of Wifi is paused due to hardware bugs.

Clear System Cache

Verify all other wireless device is able to connect your personal wifi. If all other wireless device is connected to your personal wi-fi network. Then there is no need to fix your personal wifi. Follow the given steps.

  1. Tap and hold the power button & volume low button for roughly 10-15 second
  2. After pressing button Maintenance Boot Mode Screen will seem
  3. Go to Normal Boot from Maintenance Boot Mode Screen by using the volume button and left lower button you scroll and select the option. Pause for 90 seconds to the complete procedure.

How can I clear the cache on Samsung S10?

  1. Switch off device
  2. Volume high button and Bixby button should be press and hold
  3. After that Press and hold Switch off button and release all button When the green android logo will appear
  4. To obtain “ Clear Cache Partition” press Volume low button
  5. To select, press power button
  6. Press the volume low button till “yes” is not obtained
  7. Press power key
  8. After the completion of the Clear Cache partition“Reboot system now” is appeared.

Reset Network Settings

Resetting your Samsung Galaxy S10, S10 Plus, and S10e network setting is a nearly crucial step in this condition. By performing this task you can effectively clear network contour and change wifi setting.

  1. Go to the Settings app.
  2. Select General Management.
  3. Tap Reset.
  4. Open Reset Network Settings.
  5. Select the Reset Settings button to certify.
  6. Restart your Samsung Galaxy S10, S10 Plus, and S10e and verify the problem

Reset to Factory Settings

Hopefully, you have tried all the above solutions and unluckily failed to fix wifi not connecting in Samsung S10. We have one more trick which you help you to get rid of wifi issues in Samsung S10 that is to restore the device to factory settings. But make sure to take backup otherwise you will lose all the stored data in your device.

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Open General management.
  3. Select Reset.
  4. Select on Deleting All grant it a few minutes to Reset and Reboot.

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