How to Move/Transfer/Sync Google Contacts to any iPhone?

How to MoveTransferSync Google Contacts to any iPhone

Switching from Android to iOS has never been easier until now, but with coming technologies and Cloud Storage, it can be done in a snap. Most Android phones use Google as the default account to store Media, Contacts, and other files that can be accessed from any device. We all agree that Android devices top the list when it comes to user-friendliness and ease of use, following the same Apple has also started to make devices much simpler with upgraded tech.

Whether you want to transfer contacts from Android to iPhone for backup or permanently switch to iPhone, the steps to move Google contacts to any iPhone remain the same. Let’s get you through the detailed steps on how to move or transfer Google Contacts to iOS.

How to Move/Transfer/Sync Google Contacts (Gmail Contacts) to iPhone

When we are talking about moving or transferring Google Contacts (Gmail Contacts) to iPhone, it involves different steps, not necessarily all of them need to be followed, but depending on your requirement, go through it.

How to Sync Contacts from Android to Google (Must Read)

Don’t jump to the next step without ensuring all of your contacts are stored in Google Contacts, otherwise, you’ll miss out on some contacts while moving to the iPhone. Do a hygiene check and then move towards the next section.

  1. Open the Settings App on your Android device from which you want to move contacts to iPhone.
  2. Search Google Contacts sync.
  3. Under Status, check for contacts sync with a green mark. If it says all the contacts are synced, move to the next step.

How to sync Google Contacts to an iPhone

In this step, you’ll learn how to move or import Google Contacts of Android to iPhone. To move forward, you will need to add Google Account to your iPhone, since all the contacts are stored in that only. And if Google Account is already there, and wants to sync contacts, jump to the next section.

  1. Go to the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Swipe down to Passwords & Accounts.
  3. Tap Add Account.
  4. And choose Google.
  5. Enter Google ID and Password, and let the sync process complete.
  6. Tap on Gmail.
  7. Enable Contacts switch.

How to Sync Google Contacts to iPhone from an existing Google Account

If your Gmail Account is already there, but no Google Contacts are in sync with your iPhone, you might be missing out on one setting, here’s what to do.

  1. Open the Settings app on iPhone.
  2. Scroll down to Passwords & Accounts.
  3. Look for the Google account from which you want to sync Contacts to your iPhone.
  4. Tap on Google Account.
  5. Make sure Contacts is enabled. Doing this will automatically sync Gmail Contacts to iPhone.

How to Set Google Contacts as Default on iPhone

Over time, Apple has accepted that iPhone users need some flexibility and now Apple is letting iOS users to use certain functionality of Gmail, and Google Contacts is one of them. Here’s how you can set Google Contacts as default on any iPhone. Post selecting Gmail, the Contacts App will only show Gmail Contacts in the list.

  1. Navigate to the Settings app.
  2. Swipe down to Contacts and tap on it.
  3. Tap Default Account.
  4. You should see three options, Gmail, iCloud, and On My iPhone.
  5. Select Gmail.
  6. Once done, iPhone Contacts will automatically show all the Gmail Contacts.

How to Import Google Contacts to iCloud

Storing Google Contacts in iCloud is a secure way to backup contacts. And fortunately, these contacts can be used with any iPhone, with only one condition, Apple ID must be same.

  1. Sign in to your Gmail Account from your browser.
  2. Select the Google Apps icon.
  3. Click on Contacts.
  4. Click on Export from the sidebar.
  5. Choose vCard (for iOS Contacts) under Export.
  6. A file by the name of contacts.vcf will be downloaded.
  7. Up next, sign in to iCloud from the browser.
  8. Go to Contacts.
  9. Click on the Settings icon in the lower left corner and select Import vCard.
  10. Choose the contacts.vcf file that you have imported from Google Contacts.

That’s pretty much! Allow some time, all the imported contacts will start showing in the iCloud account and if you’re using iCloud Contacts and iPhone/iPad is signed in with same Apple ID, it will start reflecting in Contacts App.


Why are my Google contacts not syncing with iPhone?

Say fortunately or unfortunately, it’s very easy to move or sync Google contacts with iPhone, all you need to do is add Google Account to the iPhone in which contacts are stored and enable the Contacts option. Still, if you’re facing issues, then ensure your Google Account does have contacts to sync with your iPhone.

How do I merge Google Contacts with iCloud?

One of the easiest ways to merge Google Contacts with iCloud is exporting the vCard Contacts file from Google Account and importing it to iCloud. Open Google Contacts > Select Export and choose the vCard option. Next, open the iCloud and go to Contacts, and import the .vcf contacts file.

How do I transfer Google contacts to Apple

There are two methods that you can use to transfer Google contacts to Apple, syncing Google Contacts to iPhone and importing the vCard files to iCloud. Both of these methods don’t require any third-party tool.

How do you sync contacts from Android to iPhone?

To sync Contacts from Android to iPhone, add Google Account to iPhone and enable the Contacts option. It will automatically start syncing the contacts from Android to iPhone.

How do I move my contacts from Android to iPhone?

To move contacts from Android to iPhone, add Gmail Account in your iPhone and make sure the Contacts option is turned on.

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