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Like iPhone’s Siri, Samsung has its own smart intelligence assistant known as Bixby. Nowadays voice assistants are a common aspect of every phone. But unfortunately we always never consider them! Like a Bixby on a Samsung Phone.
While it is not available in the Mid-Range phones, there is a lot you can do on your Premium Samsung Phone. Its best feature is to Send Text, Phone Calls, and many other Bixby Routines, at the same point, it allows access to your Best SmartThings Gadgets equipped at your office or home. Just get Samsung’s Voice Assistant’s attention by Voice, Taps, or Text and get a quick response to the question. And on Samsung Phones, setting up the best Bixby Routines is like bread with peanut butter.
Note: The Bixby services and features vary from Country/Language/Carrier/Model/OSVersion. Samsung Account Log-in and Internet Network are required to run the feature.
Best Bixby Routines That You Should Know
As there are no such pros and cons of using the Bixby Routines, it is completely dependent on personal usage. But from a Bixby user perspective, it’s great to go with it, as it offers best practices on Samsung Phone to make it work efficiently and effectively.
How To Set Up And Use Bixby Routines On Samsung Phone
After knowing What Is Bixby? It’s time to learn how to set up Bixby Routines On Samsung Phone, so let’s begin the journey mentioned below without missing out on important points.
How To Enable/Disable Bixby Routines On Samsung Phone
Setting up the Bixby assistance is quite easy, but before that, you need to know the steps of enable/disable it. Here are the steps to do so.
Step. 1→ Head to the Settings App.
Step. 2→ Choose Advance Features. Enable/Disable the Toggle present next to the Bixby Routines.
How To Create Bixby Routines On Samsung Phone
Now after turning on the Bixby on Samsung Phone you can customize the Bixby routines from scratch or else can play with an existing one. If you are not familiar with how to do so, follow the given below steps.
Create Custom Bixby Routines
- Step. 1→ Go to Settings > Advance Feature > Bixby Routines.
- Step. 2→ Choose Add Routine present at the bottom of the screen.
- Step. 3→ There you will encounter the “+ Button” present below the If and Then partition. Choose + Button right below the If partition to create new conditions for the daily routines.
- For example: Consider you need your phone to beep when there is a Low Battery On Samsung Phone. In such a case, choose Battery from the menu and set the battery percentage of 15%.
- Step. 4→ Choose the + Icon present in the Then Section. Now you need the required action accordingly. According to the example, we want our phone to Vibrate; select Effects > Beep.
- Step. 5→ Select Button. From the next screen, you can customize the routine Name, Colour, and Icon.
- Step. 6→ Select Done.
Customize Existing Bixby Routines
Now if you are willing to customize the existing routine for battery percentage or else that you have setted earlier; here are the steps to do so.
- Step. 1→ Head to Settings > Advance Features > Bixby Routines.
- Step. 2→ From the next screen, you will see the Suggested Routines that are useful for the efficient working of your device. Choose a Routine to customize or view.
- Step. 3→ Now under If Section there will be conditions and under the Then Section there is action. Choose the Routine Name to change Name, Color, or Icon.
- Step. 4→ After making changes. Select Save.
Tip: Alternatively, if you are willing to edit an existing routine, Choose Edit Option. Select either Action or Condition that you desire to customize and choose a new item. To clear out any Action or Condition, select – Icon located beside the item. Hit Next.
How To Run Or Play Routine
Once after creating the routine, most of the time users are stuck on how to Run or Play conditions and actions of Bixby. As of now and forever, if you run manually, simply add the Widget. And choose Start on the Widget.
How To Edit Bixby Routines On Samsung Phone
As of now and forever, users always want to customize with the Bixby Routines because they didn’t it comfortable with those settings. Here are the steps to do so.
- Step. 1→ Head to the Settings > Advance Features > Bixby Routines > My Routines.
- Step. 2→ Select the routine that you desire to change. Select Edit Option.
Doing so will clear out all the routines you have created on your Samsung Phone.
How To Turn Off Bixby Routines On Samsung Phone
Sometimes you might get disturbed by routines that you created before while doing an important task. To get rid of it, what you need to do is disable the Bixby Routines. Here are the steps.
- Step. 1→ Navigate to the My Routines, followed by the Settings > Advance Features > Bixby Routines.
- Step. 2→ Select My Routines present below the screen.
- Step. 3→ From the next screen, choose Three-Dot Icons > Disable This Routine.
All the routines you have made will vanish out from your Samsung phone. To turn it on, simply follow the given below steps.
How To Turn On Disabled Bixby Routines On Samsung Phone
Missing those regular routines can be reached by simply turning them back on from the settings.
Step. 1→ Go to My Routines section as mentioned above. Select the desired one and from the next page choose the Turn On option.
How To Delete Bixby Routines On Samsung Phone
Got bored of those old school routines and wanted to delete them, Samsung offered to do so with just two taps.
Step. 1→ Head to the same settings mentioned above, choose one of them, and select Three-Dot Symbol > Delete.
In case if you want to create it once again, simply head to above-mentioned steps.
How To Create A Macro
Comparatively, Bixby is not a powerful feature when it comes to rule over the individual app. What I mean to say is you can’t set routines for an individual app using Bixby. In simple word, let’s considered you want to enjoy Spotify Music but unfortunately, that requires multiple taps before reaching the main screen. To skip those multiple taps, the Bixby get over the question mark. That’s where we can consider Macros. What Is the Macro feature In Bixby? Is that the question? Well, it consists of various touch actions or steps that you perform consistently to roll into the desired screen. To set it up, you have to set up the Macros once, same as you have taught Bixby Routine. Later on, the feature will automatically do the task to open the selected screen.
Note: To set up this feature on a Samsung phone, you have to install the Good Lock App.
- Step. 1→ Go to the Good Lock App and adopt the same Routine+ Module.
- Step. 2→ Now build a Macro Routines > Routines+ located in Then Condition > Touch Macro.
- Step. 3→ Select Add to build unpacked Macro. Select the desired application that you are willing to create Macro.
- Step. 4→ Doing so will feature a Macro Recording Toolbar. Tap Record to begin recording touches. Lastly, choose Save Option.
Here we end up with steps to set up Macros on Samsung Phones for individual applications.
How To View Bixby Routine On Samsung Phone
Exploring more and more regarding the Bixby, one of the best things is you can handily verify the time at which the Bixby became active and when it became deactivated with the help of a feature known as History. To see it, go to the Bixby Routine Page > Three-Dot Icons > History.
Bonus Tips: What Are Favorite Bixby Routines Samsung Has Graced Out With New Feature?
If: You Use Youtube or Netflix?
Then: Turn On DND, 10 Minutes Screen Timeout, and Turn Off Touchpad On My Galaxy Buds.
If: While Using Dedicated Bank App?
Then: Disable Mobile Data And Wi-Fi, Decrease Screen Brightness to prevent data from surrounding suspicious eyes.
If: When Device Battery Is 100% Charged
Then: Vibrate And Beep the Phone.
If: While Playing Game
Then: Disable The Game Automatically While I Feel Asleep.
If: Sleep Or Wake Up Time
Then: Disconnect/Connect With Bluetooth.
If: Battery Level Is Low.
Then: Enable Power Saving Mode.
If: Battery Level Is Less Than 15%
Then: Beep The Voice Text “Charg Me”.
If: Outside Of Home Or Office
Then: Disable Wi-Fi/AOD, Enable Mobile Data.
If: Using Galaxy Buds Throughout The Day
Then: Disable Ambient Mode/Noise Cancellation Feature.
If: When Is Samsung Phone Is Charging
Then: Notification Alarm.
If: While Charging Samsung Phone During Sleep Time
Then: Set 00.00 PM To 7:00 Disable Fast Charging Mode.
These are some of the best Bixby Routines to be configured on the Samsung Phone.
These are some of the best practices that should be done with a Bixby on a Samsung phone. Hope so you like our article on How To Use Bixby Routines On Samsung. Now it’s time Set-Up a Shortcut For Bixby Routine.
- 1. What Does Bixby Routines Do?
The Bixby Routines are personalized actions that are being set by the user on Samsung Phone through Bixby Routines Settings to make the feature run/block automatically when needed.
2. Are Bixby Routines Good?
Unfortunately, the Bixby Routine didn’t gain much popularity, but it’s the best way to automate the Samsung phone based on IF and Then Command.
3. How Do I Use Samsung Bixby Routines?
Well, there are different ways to use the Bixby Routines, as they are set up by the user according to their personal routines and convenience. To know it in more detail go to the complete guide mentioned above in this article.
4. Can I Turn Off Bixby Routines?
Yes, you easily turn off the Bixby routines by simply heading to the Settings > Advance Features > Turn Off Toggle present next to the Bixby Routines.
5. Can Bixby Turn On Light?
With a combination of SmartThings and Bixby Voice, you can do several things such as Changing Light Colors, Turning Off and On the Light, and more advanced things.
6. Touch Macro Not Working On Samsung Phone?
In such a case, try setting up the Macro using Bixby Routine rather than going with the Good Lock App Routine+ Module. As it worked wonders for many Samsung phone users.
7. What’s The Difference Between Google Assistant And Bixby?
While both the Bixby and Google Assistant comes with same assistant aspects. But the only difference is that Google Assistant is available for both iOS & Android and Bixby only for Samsung Premium Phone.
8. Bixby Routines Not Working On Samsung Phone?
My Bixby Routines Not Working On Samsung Phone, is one of the most frustrating issue in such case check if your device Bixby Routines is turned on, at the same point, check the version of OS. If it’s didn’t work simply contact to the Samsung Support Team as they can give clear view regarding the problem.
9. Bixby Routine Not Working After Update?
In recent days, some of the users encountered such an issue. Most probably it can be due to the corrupted file that came along with update or else a tweak within the Bixby Routine Settings. In case one, wait until the issue gets fixed on its own. In case two, try setting up the Bixby Routines from the scratch and see if the issue gets fixed or not.
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