How to Hide MacBook Pro Top Notch: Learn Quick Ways

The heat is being generated over all the social media platforms over the notch on MacBook Pro 2021 as it is less satisfying for some of the apple fans. As it is truly the problem for some of the users, they have to begin searching for how to hide the notch on the new MacBook Pro.

Thankfully, in this world, there is always a solution for each problem, even when you encountered the notch on the new MacBook pro distracting. After a complete research on the notch, the experts have found some of the effective ways to hide the notch.

How Should Hide Notch On MacBook Pro 2021

The inclusion of the display along with the notch on the MacBook Pro was surprised for the apple fan. Some of the fans of apple criticized apple’s work on the MacBook Pro, but the company said it’s the smartest way to make the user more efficient on their works as it allows to make bezel thinner. If this logic doesn’t clear your need, thankfully, there are various third-party applications. The limitation is you can’t completely cancel the notch, but add the black menu bar, just like, macOS Monterey adds the black bezels.

What Is Notch On MacBook Pro?

The notch is a newly designed Macbook Pro that offers a “smartest way” to give more space for the content and allow the company to manufacture the bezel thinner and offers more screen to the owner of the Apple MacBook Pro 2021.

Does Anyone Actually Hide The Notch On MacBook Pro 2021?

The company Apple manufactured MacBook Pro bezel thinner, which allows the users to make use of an active screen. The company officially said that the MacBook Pro screen is 24 percent thinner and when the notch is ON it reduces to 60%. But ultimately with bigger active screen area makes the users more efficient while performing various tasks. And I don’t think the notch ON looks good on the MacBook Pro as it decreases the active screen resolution. Last but not least, you can easily hide the notch on the MacBook pro with the help of third-party applications like Forehead, De-Notch-ifier, and Top notch.  

Forehead: Best Free App To Hide Notch On MacBook Pro

Along with allowing you to switch between the black notch-less and default wallpaper, this application allows you to round the four corners of the display and matches with the rounded top corner of the MacBook Pro. Visit Forehead.

TopNotch: Best App To Hide Notch On MacBook Pro

This notch remover application is quite similar to the forehead, as it is compatible with various dynamic wallpaper, works effortlessly with multiple spaces and display, works in the background, and detect the change in the wallpaper. Visit TopNotch.

De-Notch-Ifier: Best Paid App to Hide MacBook Pro Top Notch

Unlike the other application, it offers the same features just like a form of a drop-down menu right in the menu bar. It’s not a recently launched app, but rather it’s an old version of notch application that offers a transparent menu bar on macOS. Visit De-Notch-ifier.

Alleviate The Menu Bar Issues

Purchase the Bartender 4, as this software plays an important role as it helps those who have the collection of more items in the menu bar compare to small MacBook screens. Using this software you can arrange most of the items in the menubar. That instantly cut down the displayed items plus neglects the problem of any appearance right below the notch. The bartender is a highly recommended tool that will answer how to hide the notch on mac.

How Do You Hide The Launch Bar On A Mac?

To hide the launch bar Choose View> Hide Toolbar > Show Tool Bar.

How Do I Hide The Dashboard On My MacBook Pro?

Navigate to Apple Menu> Select System Preference > Mission Control > Dashboard > Off.

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